Frequently Asked Questions



How do I know your particular guidance which uses practicing "tools" regularly will create the change I am looking for?

First ask yourself, does this kind of work resonate with me? Am I comfortable committing to taking on new supportive actions to let go of old restricting and sometimes harmful ones? If the answer to these questions is a resounding yes, then it's time to press play and commit to a booking. Now, let's get you walking a new kinder, happier and more loving path!


What do I need to prepare for the session?

Okay, now you have committed to learning more, let's prepare you to take on new information. Start by finding a comfortable and quiet place for us to hold the session together. Preferably somewhere where there will be no interruptions.


Can I record the session?

Please make sure you have a notepad and pen on hand to take notes when needed, as I do not allow sessions to be recorded.


Should I have questions written down ready to ask?

Of course you can prepare questions on issues you would like to bring to light but if you prefer to approach the session more naturally in the moment, that is also completely fine. 


Can I get a refund if I change my mind or for some other reason I cannot make the session?

I do not offer refunds but instead encourage people to reschedule to another time that maybe more suitable. I also suggest if you are new to my intuitive guidance sessions to possibly begin with my "toes in the water" 40 minute session, that way you will get an understanding of how I work without the bigger financial investment. If you are still unsure about committing to a booking, you are most welcome to send me an email with any questions you may have, or alternatively I am happy to touch base via phone if you leave a contact phone number and a general time that you will be available to receive a call.


If I am running late for the session will I still have the same amount of time I booked for?

It's important you are on time for your phone or Zoom appointment as I have other clients who have also booked sessions and will be ready to start, therefore extending your time will not be possible.

Also, taking on new information with a calm and ready mindset is often more effective, and also sets up a wonderful "intention and action" to start your new path with "calm readiness". So if possible, allowing a few quiet minutes to centre yourself before we start can be very helpful.


I feel unsure speaking to someone I don't know about personal issues, what is your privacy policy?

Any information shared in a session will be kept confidential and will never be shared with any other party. I am huge on privacy because I myself am naturally a very private person and the field I work in thrives on trust and trustworthy behaviour. I do not record or retain records of any sessions or conversations I have with clients. Unless, I am working with someone regularly who requires me to retain important notes for future reference, and only with their written permission will I do so. (Please refer to Terms and Condition's for further clarification on Privacy.)

Always remember, be someone you feel comfortable being. If you personally only want to focus on understanding and practicing the new actions you need to move forward, without revealing really personal information, that is also completely fine.


Do you work with children or young adults?

I do not physically work with children or young adults but I do work with parents or people with children to help them support their child and themselves better. From my experience children work best from a calm centre and that usually starts with a calm and present parent/guardian. To book or have an intuitively guided session with me you need to be 18 years or older.


What if I don't have a Zoom account?

If you do not have a Zoom account but would prefer a visual session over having a phone call, you need only open the Zoom web browser and add the session information required. If you login well before the session starts it will give you an opportunity to have it comfortably up and going with time to spare. The way you choose to hold a session whether it be via Zoom or over the phone is ultimately up to you.


Why does it show a 1 Hour time slot on the booking page when the session goes for 40 Minutes?

I have set the booking site for 1 hour intervals as to allow myself time between sessions, so as I am not rushed and I am completely ready for the next client. My apologies if this has seemed at all confusing.


You often use the word income, are you referring to a financial income?

When I speak of income in my sessions or on my website, I am referring to your holistic income. Usually people associate their income only with a financial one, my understanding of living your true income comes in the form of loving and supporting yourself on all levels, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, and reaping the rewards from these actions.