My Process



What does being an Intuitive Guide mean to me?    

For me it comes in the form of an innate understanding of what is actually happening, beyond the thinking mind's perception of the moment. Or to put it another way, I can see the integral truth of the experience beyond the old shame, blame and drama's fiction.

Although guidance comes through to me naturally, it is a skill that I have gone to great lengths to nurture and refine over many years so as to give the most clear and informative understanding possible. And when a session takes place, with your permission, I get to see, hear and articulate who you are at your loving core and how you can take action to manifest it.

My work is all based on you taking responsibility for your own personal life experience, by being the change you need through taking the action that supports you the most. It is all about empowering your personal truth from the inside out to manifest the life you really love living, without needing or demanding others change themselves to fit in with your own belief system to create it.


The Art of Intention and Action

One of the many integral actions I work with is The Art of Intention and Action and refining both to create a life path filled with beautiful supportive decision making moments.

The individual session starts with (intentionally) sitting down together, and it is here we will establish where you are in the present moment physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. Or alternatively, you can simply discuss an issue at hand without the need for expressing deeper emotional insight. For example, do you feel generally overwhelmed? Need life direction? Or is it you really just want to "let go" in whatever form you feel it looks for you in that moment? How you approach a session is completely up to you, the tools I give  you will still be effective if diligently practiced, whether you choose an in-depth understanding of your process or not. 

There is a myriad of reasons for a person to question who they are being in their present life and what possibly could be their true potential beyond their old encumbered state? This is where we take the first step to your new understanding, "I am here to be someone I love being by simply taking care of myself, one supportive action at a time". As the session progresses "the action" and the power behind it is explained in more detail, and like I have previously mentioned, all the tools I use for you to facilitate a new action are specific to your needs in that moment.

Although this sounds like a complex process, the actions given and the profound understandings behind them are kept quite simple so as you can harness the information with ease and all your intention can be focused on taking the next step forward. Which is ultimately to start creating beautiful new personal incomes while leaving the old unsupportive belief systems behind.

If you are only working on an immediate short term issue, a 40 Minute Session will be long enough to gain the guidance you need to embrace the integral action at hand. But by chance you are ready for a more profound long term life change the 2 1/2 Hour Session will give you a more intimate understanding of exactly what tools, and there will be a few, you will need to take on board to get the ball rolling. 



The Tools

Tools are the physical actions given for you to practice, until the particular income you are trying to create is achieved. There are many I use to help people navigate their individual journey, here is an example for you to understand a little more of the type of guidance I work with.

Writing- Learning to write from the heart and letting go of any emotional turmoil is a very powerful practice, especially for those of you feeling overwhelmed and unable to digest the world at hand. It gives you an opportunity to offload in a safe space without the fear of confrontation or retaliation. It also reminds you, you are important and deserve to be supported to speak your truth. This process of writing all the accumulated shame, blame and drama away on a regular basis ultimately gives the opportunity for love and integrity to fill the void. Over time if diligently practiced the income you receive is "I can cope and no longer need to feel overwhelmed". If taken to the next level and combined with other life tools, you can gain the greatest gift of all "I embrace life in each moment with Grace". (Note: The writing I encourage is different to journaling and is discussed in more depth in session.)

Like I said, this is only one of the many tools I use to help empower people to take charge and full responsibility for themselves and their life direction.

(See FAQ's on my reference to the word Income.)



The Ultimate Goal


Why is this process so effective in creating change? It dictates a completely new path and the intention of this path is one of true love and support for everyone in each single moment. Each tool asks you to contribute to the world in a harmonious way. It shames no-one and reminds everyone, "They are important and deserve respect". When you understand how powerful your word is and how important your actions are for creating true holistic wealth, you then understand that life is much bigger than the physical realm we give it credit for.

Stepping up each day and aligning yourself with a beautiful intention followed by a loving and integral action will ultimately help you realise the real reason you are here, to be your fearless self!